


“Fist” is not just something you make with your hand.  The term applies to Morse code as well.  It’s the imperfect application of the prescribed dots and dashes.  Replicating the lengths is never done perfectly, and tendencies emerge of each individual.  Identifying a “fist” was a significant difference-maker in WW II.  Identifying our own “fist” is paramount to refining our AWARENESS.



650 muscles resulting in countless involuntary movements each day.  That’s a big responsibility and one we often shun.  And while “stand up straight”, “chin up” and other abmonitions were cast upon us when younger, the central aspect establishing postural being was probably never explained to you.  That is, the human body is not symmetrical.  Rather, taken all its anatomical parts, we humans are all right-side dominant.  By incorporating the other Age This modules, we can correctly align ourselves, relieving those stubborn pain points and genuinely feel good in mind, body, spirit and soul by way of proper POSTURE.



Those jagged little breaths.  We all know them…and their various relatives.  What most of us don’t know is breathing that suits our wellness.  The involuntary movement that maintains our life is simple in theory, but seldom practiced in a realm of precision.  It’s a life force, and since you are drawing 30,000 or so each day, it’s worthy to master your BREATHING.



At Mistaken Point on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada there is evidence of what is believed to be where life began its first voluntary movement some 565 million years ago.  Life has been in motion since and yours should too.  Atrophy is the enemy and its conquerer is MOVEMENT.



One very important nutrient for our bodies comes from a star nearly 94 million miles away.  The other nutrients are much closer.  Everything in moderation is an age-old dash of wisdom that applies to sun, food and beverage.  Ultimately, we lean on the Age This module of AWARENESS to optimize perhaps the most critical module, NUTRITION.